
Dali Yang at UCAS on Chinese Governance in the Age of Globalization

On May 20, Dali Yang, Faculty Director of University of Chicago Center in Beijing, spoke at the China Sciences and Humanities Forum, the flagship series of the University of China Academy of Sciences (former Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences).

In the talk entitled “Chinese Governance in the Age of Globalization”, Yang discussed how the challenge of the middle income trap can be resolved in the Chinese context.  The lecture was widely reported in the media--  as of May 20, 2013, twenty-five notable Chinese media sites, including and, have reposted this report. report with English translation:

中新网北京5月20日电 (记者 马海燕)美国芝加哥大学北京中心主任杨大利教授在中国科学院大学举行的“中国科学与人文论坛”报告会上表示,面对跨越“中等收入陷阱”这一大挑战,中国要保证财富分配效果,解决收入不公带来的系列问题。

University of Chicago Center in Beijing Faculty Director Dali Yang delivered a talk at the China Science and Humanities Forum held by the University of Chinese Academy of Science on May 20.  He suggested China needs to ensure that wealth is well-distributed and that issues resulting from income inequality are solved in order to face the challenge of the middle income trap.


In the report titled ‘Chinese Governance in the Age of Globalization’, Dali Yang analyzed rapid development in various aspects and discussed development issues such as the sustainability of economic growth, social justice and environmental degradation, exploring relationships among public trust, happiness and governance.


According to Professor Yang, the decades of economic growth in China have resulted in remarkable achievements and brought the country to the middle income level. However, since the 20th century, few countries have managed to transition from middle-income to high-income levels, with most fast-growing countries getting caught in the middle income trap. In the face of this challenge, China has to guarantee effective distribution of wealth and resolve various issues derived from income inequality.


Dali Yang holds that China's rapid development has also unveiled a series of negative consequences-- increased public insecurity about water pollution, air quality, food safety and other quality of life issues. Faced with these problems, the government should strengthen social management, facilitate government reform and enlarge popular participation to reshape the state-society relationship.


When talking about risk management in modern society, he suggested personal wealth and individual values should be enhanced while improving the general standard of living and that people's livelihoods be emphasized in order to increase public happiness. In the future, as China enters a special period of development, good governance will come from improved efficiency, guarantees of fairness and justice, stronger accountability and an enhanced legal system.