
Faculty Director Judith Farquhar Traveled by Invitation to Anyang, Henan Province

On the weekend of the Duanwu (Dragon Boat Festival ) Holiday, Faculty Director Judith Farquhar traveled by invitation to Anyang, Henan Province, to attend a special seminar on Chinese archeology.  The seminar was organized by the Southern University of Science and Technology (Shenzhen) and led by Dr. Tang Qigen of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).  An international delegation of faculty was  introduced to research on Anyang's most ancient polities, the kingdoms that dominated the Yellow River region over 3000 years ago.  The group visited the CASS  research laboratories and two active excavations, and received director-guided tours of the Yin Kingdom Museum of Shang era antiquities and of  the Anyang City Museum.  It was also possible to visit the Museum of the History of Chinese Writing.  For Prof. Farquhar, this was a great opportunity to plan study tours for Chicago students to learn about Anyang and other exemplary cities in China's history. 

