On December 12, 2024, UChicago Center in Beijing hosted a dialogue under the title “Sino-U.S. Educational Dialogue and Academic Exchange: Challenges and Prospects.” Over 20 representatives from international exchange and cooperation departments of various universities and hospitals participated in the closed-door meeting, where they engaged in detailed conversations and exchanged ideas on the future of Sino-U.S. academic collaboration.
Professor Dali Yang, the William Claude Reavis Distinguished Service Professor in the Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Professor Zhang Ying, Bo-Ya Professor at Peking University and Associate Dean at Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, who also serves as the Academic Director of Peking University Center in Chicago, headlined the discussions. Both speakers provided deep insights into the evolving dynamics of Sino-U.S. educational collaboration and addressed the potential challenges in future. They also highlighted the importance of fostering robust academic exchanges amidst global uncertainties. Later, Participants engaged in lively discussions, exchanging ideas and strategies for overcoming challenges in academic collaboration.
The event also served as an appreciation gathering for the partners of the University of Chicago. Colleagues from the international cooperation offices of UChicago’s Chinese partner institutions were invited to join and celebrate their strong ties.