
Student visits at the Center in Beijing

On March 20, 20 students from the Law School, Harris School of Public Policy and Social Sciences Division visited the Center in Beijing to learn about the role and mission of the Center and to meet with UChicago alumni in China. Mr. Paul Wang (LLM'94, JSD'99), currently a lawyer at Zhong Lun Law Firm, and Pinhsuan Huang (MA'16), shared with the students their experience as an UChicago student and their work in China. After their morning meeting at the Center in Beijing, the students continued their trip to Shenzhen and Shanghai where they visited high-tech companies and research institutes and met with alumni in several industries. This 10-day trip was sponsored by China United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) and was intended to provide an opportunity for foreign students to better understand China.

On March 22, 12 UChicago Lab Schools high school students who have been taking Chinese as their foreign language and their Chinese language teachers visited the Center in Beijing as part of their 9-day trip in China. In the morning, the students were given a lecture on Chinese education system by Mr. Yuan, the Deputy Director of the Center in Beijing, followed by a talk on environmental issues and policies in China, given by Professor Jianhua Xu at Peking University. In the afternoon, to tie in with the environmental topics discussed in the morning, the Center in Beijing arranged a trip to the Shougang Park, a former steel-making factory complex, for the students to see how wastes were turned into construction materials and generating electricity after being recycled. Before their arrival in Beijing, the students spent 6 days in Yunnan to learn about the customs and culture of the ethnic minorities in the southwestern province. This trip is part of an exchange program between the Lab Schools and the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China.